The 25 Pounder Field Gun: An Overview

The 25 pounder field gun, officially known as the Ordnance QF 25 pounder, was a mainstay of British and Commonwealth artillery units during World War II. Designed to serve both as a field gun and a howitzer, it was one of the most versatile and effective artillery pieces of the era.

Development and Features

Developed in the late 1930s as a replacement for the 18 pounder and the 4.5 inch howitzer, the 25 pounder combined the best features of both. It fired a 25-pound shell, hence its name, and was capable of a wide range of firing modes, including direct and indirect fire.

Operational Use

Throughout World War II, the 25 pounder was used in every theatre of war. Its reliability, accuracy, and powerful shell made it a favorite among the troops. It played a key role in numerous battles, providing indispensable support to infantry and armored units alike.


After the war, the 25 pounder remained in service with many countries for several decades. Its design influenced later artillery pieces, and it is remembered as one of the most iconic field guns of the 20th century.